Volume 6 N 3

List of Contents

Fall 2013


The Creation of Intelligent and Wise Classes in High School Mathematics Teaching  [Wu Zhipeng PowerPoint Presentation]
Wu Zhipeng

Analyzing the Literacy That Excellent Mathematics Teachers Should Have According to Several Cases  [Tong Qilin PowerPoint Presentation]
Tong Qilin

How Big Is Humongous? Mathematical Conversations
Lynn Columba, Robin Hojoski, Joy Polignano

The Role of Attention in Assessment
Sergiy Klymchuk, Cheng Chun Chor Litwin

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The issues of Affect in Mathematics from several corners of the world are presented in this Volume 6 Number 3 of MTRJ on line. Lynn Columba with her collaborators Robin Hojnoski and Joy Polignano investigates the impact of book reading to pre-kindergarten children by their parents or caring adults on children mathematics learning, while Sergiy Klymchuk with Cheng Chun Chor Litwin from Hong Kong compares the role of attention in the assessment of teachers’ solutions of provocative questions in the sense that they looked like routine ones but in fact they had some catch. “The results from the test were startling – the vast majority of the teachers did not notice any catch and gave incorrect answers to most questions in the test.”

As an interesting comparison of styles, approaches and philosophical frameworks we publish two papers of Chinese teachers of mathematics from Fuzhou, participants of the CTRAS 5 (Conference of Teaching-Research for All Students), which takes place once a year in China through the US-China collaboration organized by Prof. An Suhua from UC in Long Beach. Teaching-Research is mandated in all schools across China, and it’s fascinating to observe, listen and read Chinese approaches to known to us teaching problems. It is interesting to observe the poetic classroom language they use: intelligence is a typical character produced and expressed in education situations, and it is directed by virtue and creativity., the class will be wise and brilliant.

At the same time TR in China seem to rely much more on teacher’s intuition, metaphors and the like, with decisive absence of measurement techniques characteristic for western approaches.

The papers of Chinese teachers are linked with their ppt presentations collected in Fuzhou, China at the CTRAS 5 conference.