Volume 2 N 1

List of Contents

September 2007


Acres of Diamonds in New York’s High Stakes Testing Environment; Empowering Educators via the Internet
Steve Watson

Gender Differences in Mathematics Departments at Colleges and Universities Across the United States: Towards an Inclusive Environment
Alexander Rolón

Collaborative research relationships in Urban Science Classrooms
Rowhea Elmesky, Anita Abraham

Counter-Examples and Paradoxes in Teaching Mathematical Statistics: A Case Study
Farida Kachapova, Murray Black, Sergiy Klymchuk, Ilias Kachapov

Effective Procedures in Teaching Mathematics
Farida Kachapova, Murray Black, Ilias Kachapov

Mathematical Competencies in the nascent state“on the basis of the Educational Project „In the Middle of the Way…“
Elżbieta Jaworska, Bożena Makulska-Dąbkowska, Elżbieta Ostawiczuk, Andzrej Wawrzyniak, Andrzej Werner

Planning a route for a performing trip of a music team: A group project in 4th grade mathematics
Grażyna Pawłowska

A Pragmatic Mathematics: A new skills-for-life mathematics course addressing the NSACS’s revelation of the dismal quantitative literacy of America’s college graduates
Dr. Elie Feder

Reflections of a Teacher Educator
Harrie Broekman

The Process of Doing Mathematics
Rony Gouraige

Using Alternative Numeral Systems in Teaching Mathematics
Farida Kachapova, Murray Black, Ilias Kachapov

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With this issue of the Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal, we begin the theme of democratization of mathematics and science education. Over the next several issues, our articles, your thoughts and the discussion will create the climate to arrive at a common shared understanding of what it means to have a democratic access to mathematics education. The word democratic includes equal access and existence of a level playing field. Do these two phrases also then include, creating the conditions necessary to address the learning needs of the students?

Section 1 of the current issue addresses different aspects of the process of democratization. In Section 2 we bring mathematics classroom innovations from around the world and in Section 3 we present two reflective pieces upon our teaching work.

Editorial News

Our journal is now funded jointly by the National Science Foundation and CUNY’s Office of Undergraduate Education.

A new project undertaken by the teaching-research methodology – VISUALIZE- A TRNYC project is aimed at creating a base, where students combine their tactile and visual sense to guide themselves in visualizing the geometry they create out of making paper models of polyhedra. The project is conducted jointly with the Siedlce group of teachers and mathematicians in Poland. The nets for the polyhedra, largely a creation of Waclaw Zawadowski and Krystoff Mostowski, are entertaining students of all ages in mathematics classes and outside.