For Authors

How to prepare and submit an article to MTRJ

Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal primarily accepts the submissions which contain both research components and classroom teaching component. If the main focus of the submission is research, then we expect a description, and preferably classroom realization corresponding to the research. If the main focus if the submission is teaching, then we expect some connection to research topics in the profession. Both aspects: teaching and research should be present in the submission.

The authors are encouraged to read through our exemplary papers

Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4Paper 5

Before submission make sure that

  1. The paper fits into the concept of Teaching-Research (has both teaching and research components related to each other)
  2. All text in a foreign language is assisted with English translation
  3. All tables and figures are readable (not too small or blurry)
  4. The paper contributes creatively to the existing knowledge and is not just a reformulation of the results of others
  5. The research question is well formulated at the beginning of the paper
  6. The introduction, the literature review, methodology, results and discussion are well aligned with each other and the research question
  7. Conclusions address the research question and go beyond a mere rephrasing of the results or the discussion
  8. Place the paper in the Journal Template

What we accept is explained in the Mission Statement

Process of submissions and revisions:

  1. The corresponding author sends an email with a paper in Word format to [email protected] (not to any other address),
  2. Within a week you will receive an email stating whether your paper is accepted for reviews or requires initial revisions.
  3. If not accepted for reviews the editor provides reasons and suggests the areas of improvement
  4. If accepted for reviews, the corresponding author receives the reviewers’ reports within 6 weeks (except the time of vacation, when the process may be delayed).
  5. The editor assigns the time for revision, which could be 4, 6, 8 or 12 weeks depending on the heaviness of required corrections. This time can be extended upon authors’ request.
  6. Papers marked as “serious revisions” may go through additional rounds of reviews which may delay the time of publication.
  7. Papers marked as “rejected” will be no longer considered for publication.


  1. By making their submission the authors pledge that the paper is not considered for publication in another journal.
  2. The authors are obliged to respond to every suggestion made by the reviewer either by making a correction or by disputing it. All revised papers should be resubmitted in two versions: one with tracked changes and one clean version. Papers marked as “major” or “serious” revisions should be resubmitted with the matrix of changes.
  3. The reviewers, the editors and the authors make an effort to communicate with each other in timely and respectful manners.

Review Form