Ethics Statement

MTRJ is devoted to publishing creative research in mathematics education. The Editors feel responsible for bringing to readers attention the recent accomplishments of faculty who are interested in engaging students in creative endeavors in the classroom and outside of it.

Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal integrates professional ethics of teachers and researchers.

The central ethics of teachers is Do no harm! to students in the process of teaching-research, neither emotional harm nor the cognitive harm.

To exclude the emotional harm, we require standard conditions of anonymity within the text of the submission, that is no real names of students are provided in the text nor any other information which could help anyone in the identification of participating students/subjects.

In the case of cognitive harm, we require statement which assures that as a result of the intervention understanding of mathematics did not worsen beyond the level of a standard classroom.

From the point of view of professional research ethics, we require integrity of the research including no plagiarism. That means:

  • the presented data are true data and their full set can be inspected by the editors.
  • all co-authors agree on the content of the submission.
  • all quotes have appropriate citation;
  • anecdotical evidence that is Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, should not be used or reported in the author’s work unless fully cited, and with the permission of that third party.
  • the work is original and cannot be construed as plagiarizing any other published work, including author’s own previously published work.

We allow for:

a) English translations of previously published authors’ articles from different languages.
b) Significantly extended versions of authors’ reports in conference proceedings.
c) Inclusion of elements of text and/or figures in previously published articles by authors if the conceptual structure of the submitted paper (its substance) differs significantly from the previously published. The final decision is in the hands of the editors upon the discussion with the authors.

All three cases require appropriate citation of the previously published papers, and if required, the permission of the publisher.

Editors’ responsibilities are to serve as communicators between the authors and the reviewers. Accept manuscripts solely based on the merit without discrimination regarded ethnicity, religion, political views, gender, sexual orientation in agreement with CUNY policy: Respond in a highly professional manner to all messages and inquiries by authors and reviewers.

Authors and Authors’ responsibilities: We require that all authors significantly contribute to the research, however, we suggest on indicating only one contact author. The author(s) are obliged to provide corrections suggested by the reviewers in a timely manner. Provide list of references and the sources of funding.

Please note that since submissions and publications are entirely free of charge, we engage accomplished authors in a process of reviewing newly submitted works of others. We highly appreciate quick responses to emails and timely submissions of reviews.

Peer-review process: All manuscripts go through double-blind review process preformed by two independent reviewers. After receiving both reviews, the Editors make a decision of accepting the manuscript as is (very rare event), accepting the manuscript after correction, or rejecting the manuscript. In case of any questions please contact the Editors for clarification.

Reviewers’ responsibilities: Reviewers prepare objective reviews in a timely manner based on their expertise and best judgement using polite and respectful language. The reviews should reflect on the relevance of the work for the journal, its merit, the level of exposition and organization. In addition, reviewers should indicate errors and suggest possible direction for the improvement of the submission. The reviewers will indicate relevant published work which is not yet cited by the authors.

Publication ethics: The Editors are committed to decline any submission where the research misconduct had occurred. Authors, by making a submission confirm that they didn’t commit any research misconduct. Research misconduct according to APA is available on the page:

Copyright and access: Readers are free to copy, display, and distribute the articles as long as the work is attributed for non-commercial purposes only, and no alteration or transformation is made in the work. All other uses must be approved by the author(s) or MTRJ. MTRJ is published by the City University of New York at and it is an open-access journal. There are no processing fees for submissions or publications.

Archiving: The content of previous journal volumes is and will always be electronically available at

Ownership and management: The journal contents are owned by the City University of New York.

The journal publishes one volume per year with four issues: issue one during spring, issue two during summer, issue three during fall and issue 4 during winter.